Text Message Saying an External Address Sent You Btc We Need Your Approval to Continue

Irrespective of the post you hold in your company, you answer to someone; well, that's with the exemption that you own the company. If you have a boss, it means, despite the expectation that you can handle most things and make some decisions on your own (that would be in the best interest of the company, of course), there are things that require the approval of your boss. These could range from personal things (for instance, sick leave or a raise) to official things like budget, a project, a new office, etc.

Before writing to seek approval, you must have it in mind that the company and its interest(s) come(s) first. Knowing this, whatever it is that you seek your boss' approval must be one that affects the company positively. If it does not directly achieve this, you must make a good case of how it will, if not directly, inadvertently be a plus to the company (or at least, the good image of the company).

The same steps required for writing a business email stand.  Also, you are writing to your boss, so a high level of professionalism is required.

The following are examples of emails requesting for the approval of the boss:

Examples 1: Email Requesting For The Approval Of The Boss

Dear Ma,

Sequel to the WHITE WEDDING project you assigned me, I have written a proposal on it. I need you to approve the disbursement of the funds needed to carry it out.

I emailed the proposal to you a week ago and you have made the necessary corrections. Also, you have green-lit the commencement of the project. The event will hold a month from now and some fund is needed to make a reservation for the proposed venue for the event. The management of the event center requires booking and an advance payment, at least two weeks, before the proposed date.

The approval of the disbursement of the fund will facilitate the swift and early execution of this project, which is the edge we have over our rivals.

I await your positive response.

Yours faithfully,
Tina Green
Event Producer

Example 2: Email Requesting For The Approval Of The Boss

Dear Mrs. Scott,

I write requesting your approval of a two-hour extra class for pupils in Primary 5B. Judging from the results I got from the series of tests I gave the pupils in my newly assigned class, I am of the opinion that an extra class, after normal school hours, every day, is needed to increase the class academic performance.

I know this may not be convenient for the pupils, their parents and/or guardians and the school, but it is in the interest of us all to have these additional hours, as the average performance of the class, in line with the reviewed educational standard, is not worthy of positive appraisal.

I urge you to consider and approve this in earnest so that their performance would have turned a better leaf in time for the promotional examinations.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Eric Stone
Class Teacher (Primary 5B)

Example 3: Email Requesting For The Approval Of The Boss

Dear Ms. Wachowski,

After careful consideration, I write requesting a one-week sick leave. I have been under the weather for a couple of weeks, but I have been managing my health to make sure I come to work and reach the set targets for the month.
I was at the hospital last weekend and I was advised to take a break from work as I will most likely be admitted to the hospital. The doctor assured me that whatever I have is not contagious, so I have not put my colleagues at risk, but close medical observation will be necessary.

I have spoken with Mr. Jude Hamsburg and he has agreed to help me with my duties during the period I will be absent from work.

I intend commencing the leave tomorrow as further delay may lead to the further detriment of my health.
Thank you in anticipation of a positive response.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Luke Lin

Example 4: Email Requesting For The Approval Of The Boss

Dear Sir,

In response to your demand for an increase in monthly production, I request your approval for an increase in the working force of my unit.

You revealed your dissatisfaction with the performance of my unit at the last quarterly meeting. In a bid to find the cause for the less-than-optimum output, an internal assessment was carried out and the report showed that despite the increase in working hours of the staff, all things being equal, a better result is not feasible.

To this end, I strongly recommend and request your approval of the recruitment of two factory workers. This will improve our monthly turnover.

I await your response.

Derrick Fitzgerald
Production Manager

Example 5: Email Requesting For The Approval Of The Boss

Dear Ma,

In line with the latest instructions you gave that everything that is to be procured for use in the clinic should be run by you and not the Store Manager, I write requesting your approval of a carton of anti-rabies vaccine (ARV).
The last but one pack of ARV was opened this morning and is expected to have been exhausted before the week runs out. Records have shown that the clinic will be in need of more vials of ARV as most of our clients will be coming in for the next two weeks to get their dogs vaccinated.

Ma, it is also worthy to bring your attention to the fact that it will take pharmaceutical company three days to have the vaccine delivered.

Thank you in anticipation of a quick approval.

Yours faithfully,
Dr. Jonathan Payne

Final Word

In conclusion, it is worthy of note that sending an email requesting the approval of your boss does not mean the approval will be granted; and if it would, it may not be immediate. Hence, it is important to send a reminder to your boss, as he or she may have other pressing matters to address.

Also, do not forget that the title of your email should be written as the subject. This is very important. Furthermore, any document that will validate the reason you seek the approval and help convince your boss should be added as attachments to the email.

Dr. Temitope Kushehin

Dr. Temitope Kushehin

Temitope Kushehin is a companion animal veterinarian. When he's not running his fingers through the fur of a pet, he spends time penning down his thoughts about the intricacies of being human, catching up on recent movies and trying to be a good husband, son, and uncle. His empathy and knack for all that's meticulous makes him write easy step-by-step articles on "How To's".


Source: https://www.woculus.com/write-email-requesting-approval-boss/

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